
The fully automatic parking of the Entrepreneurial Bank is located in a land of 10 meters by 16.5 meters dimensions. The parking lot is designed for 48 parking spaces. The car parking is according to the most advanced systems, and without the need for pallet, i.e. the car is delivered from the turn table and automatically parked on the destination floor. The system consists of three main parts, called vertical lift, shuttle and robot, respectively. Because all mechanical components in these three parts are manufactured at the factory with high precision, the reliability of this method is very high compared to any other methods.

The project is unique in its kind and its progress is in accordance with the project schedule. Currently, parking structures have been constructed and implemented, and many of the mechanisms related to the three main parts have been made at the factory. subsequently, a vertical lift installation will begin soon, and then shuttle and robot will be installed.

According to the project schedule, the project will be launched in 2018.

Semi-Automatic Parking Of Gohar Shahr

The semi-automatic parking lot is constructed on a land area of 300 square meters with two car lifts, in 10 floors, with capacity of 113 cars. The unique feature of the project is a lift mechanism up to thirty meters, based on a high-reliability hydraulic system.

The delivery of the parking system was carried out in the second half of the year 2016 and was testable exploited, but the final operation would be carried out in the beginning of the year 2018.